In India, rice is a vital part of many people diets. It can be steamed, boiled, or fried in a variety of ways. Complex carbs are the primary source of energy for more than half of the world’s population. Rice not only fills your stomach but also provides energy and nutrition. It can contain fibre, protein, vitamin B, iron, and manganese, depending on its strain.
Interestingly, India is the 2nd largest producer and largest exporter of rice in the world. Being one of the largest rice producers, India has different varieties of rice available in the market. There are many types of rice each with its distinctive taste, aroma, and characteristics.
Are you prepared to find the colour and taste of numerous rice varieties?
Let’s drill down a bit to understand more about the rice variety!
Sonashakti Finest Jeera Rice
Ripuraj sonashakti jeera rice is a parboiled rice perfect for all your rice dishes from biryani to daily use. This variety of rice is partially pre-cooked in its inedible husk before being processed for eating. Sonashakti jeera rice is also a good source of iron and calcium. Parboiled rice is a healthier alternative to white rice because it contains fewer calories, and carbohydrates compared to white rice and provides more fibre and protein.
Mahashakti Jeera Rice
Ripuraj Mahashakti Jeera Rice is parboiled rice indulged with a unique aroma and succulent taste. It is necessary to add this to your daily diet. The ideal rice to consume every day. In addition to its taste, it is also good in terms of health, as it contains amino acids, has low arsenic levels, and regulates heart health.
Shakti Jeera Rice
Ripuraj Shakti Jeera Rice is a fragrant rice used to make a variety of intriguing and unusual Indian and Asian dishes. Every grain displays its superior qualities and offers your food a fluffy texture.
Sonachoor Basmati Rice
The Ripuraj Sonachoor Rice is an excellent basmati variety perfect for making kheer with excellent cooking properties, the best price, and outstanding basmati flavour. This kind of grain is produced in a top-notch production facility after being carefully chosen for length and exceptional fragrance. Sonachoor rice, which is high in protein and carbs, promotes general wellness.
These grains are carefully selected and grown so that they could enhance the natural flavour of every meal.
Zayka Basmati Rice
Ripuraj Zayka Basmati Rice is an 1121 variety of basmati rice. As we know, Basmati rice is the king of all rice varieties. It is renowned across the world for its aroma, length, and superior cooking properties. This basmati rice is the best rice to use for making biryani and pulao, so your quest is over. The traditional strain of Basmati rice, known as 1121, is well-known for its easy digestibility as well as its rich flavour.
Gold Basmati Rice
Ripuraj Gold Basmati Rice is long grain 1121 parboiled basmati rice. The 1121 basmati rice is renowned for its high nutritional content, easy preparation, and soft texture. It is used in a variety of cuisines. It is Gently Parboiled to lock nutrients in it that give it the extra-long grain characteristic. This basmati rice is a healthy choice. As it has a lower glycemic index than other varieties.
It’s time to ensure your daily staple, rice, is of the highest quality and tastes delicious. Ripuraj Agro promises the finest quality to satisfy the palate. Ripuraj basmati rice is recognized for its processing, ageing, and harvesting techniques. With its unique characteristics, the “scented Pearl” can transform even the most ordinary meal into a gourmet delight.
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